"""This module contains the classes that are used to store the data in the database
from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy_utils import ChoiceType
from pyautomail.storage.util import Base
class Record(Base):
"""This class is used to store the records of the processes in the database table 'record'
Every record contains the information of one email
__tablename__ = "record"
('unsent', 'Unsent'),
('sent', 'Sent')
"""list : the possible statuses of the record"""
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
"""int : the id of the record"""
receiver = Column(String)
"""str : the email address of the receiver"""
data = Column(String)
"""str : the custom data of the email a string of json"""
attachment_path = Column(String)
"""str : the path to the attachment file"""
status = Column(ChoiceType(STATUSES), default='unsent')
"""str : the status of the record it can be choose from STATUSES"""
process_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("process.id", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False)
"""int : the id of the process which this record belongs to"""
process = relationship("Process", backref=backref("records", order_by=id, cascade="all, delete"))
"""pyautomail.storage.database.Process : the process of the record"""
class Process(Base):
"""This class is used to store the processes of the emails in the database the table name is `process`
- Every time you register a contact list to send emails to it, a process will be created and stored in the database
- Every process has a list of records which contains the information of the emails that will be sent
- The process has a status which can be chosen from STATUSES
records : automail.storage.model.Record
the records of the process
__tablename__ = "process"
('created', 'Created'),
('in progress', 'In progress'),
('paused', 'Paused'),
('finished', 'Finished')
"""list : the possible statuses of the process"""
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
"""int : the id of the process"""
release_date = Column(Date)
"""datetime.date : the date of the release of the process"""
sender = Column(String)
"""str : the email address of the sender"""
temp_file = Column(String)
"""str : the path to the template file"""
subject = Column(String)
"""str : the subject of the email"""
status = Column(ChoiceType(STATUSES), default='created')
"""str : the status of the process it can be choose from STATUSES"""
title = Column(String)
"""str : the title of the process"""